Industry Engagement Priorities

Agrifood and Wine

  Through research and education, we’re leading thought for food to drive the next wave of innovation for the food sector.

  Food production and processing is going through its biggest transformation since the industrial revolution.

  New technologies and innovations that exploit robotics, machine learning, computer vision, sensor and genomic technologies, supply chain analysis and customer behavioural understanding are further improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of food production, processing and distribution.

  At the same time the global gap between demand and supply of food and resources, the impact of food production on the environment, the demand for higher quality and traceability of food in the global marketplace, and the relationship between food and human health and dietary disease, are all emerging megatrends of the 21st Century.

  The University of APSB, through its research and education, is well placed as a leader to drive the next wave of innovation and training required by the agrifood and wine sectors to meet these challenges.


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